Friday, May 4, 2007

wait arbitrates purposely

So tonight I start a new blog. Why, you ask?

The simple answer is: Because I feel like it.

The more complex answer is: Because it seems like it might be fun.

I start a new job working with laser beams and doing spectroscopy on monday. It's kind of intimidating. More on that another day.

Post title generated by Minkoff's "" encryption program, for Linux. It works by replacing every byte by a word, then changing it back again via a relatively simple method involving md5sums and hex codes. If you're a linux user, I can hook you up. It's kind of inefficient (4 kb image explodes to 600 kb wordcrypt) but it works well for when I can't think of a title for a blogpost. Todays title is the wordcrypt of "001". I will personally mail a cookie to anyone who can figure out what numerical pattern I follow.

That's all for today!
Stay alive.