Saturday, June 16, 2007

Happy Father's day to me!

Today, I have become a father.

That's right! I've completed the first version of Hal the irc bot. Written in java using the Pircbot api, Hal is a chatting bot that stores words said to it in a small database, notes what words can lead to others, what words can start sentences, and what words can end sentences, and then constructs randomized sentences based on this knowledge. I think Hal describes his operation best...

Hal : There man fucking awesome i think i'm notice he's doing here (second to fuck are you after this room is a file containing predefined stuff when you never have and by idling while people talk

There you have it, folks. We have now amongst us a budding young intellect. He's mildly incoherent, but that can be considered a sign of genius. He's also a bit incoporial... He must get that from his mother.

Happy father's day to me! I'm out.


Severin said...

Congratulations Nathan! I'd give you a traditional cigar and drink... but my age and relative distance to you prevent me from doing this.

So tell me, when can I meet your son?

Nathan said...

With some slight modifications, I should be able to get him onto MSN messenger using the power of Bitlbee. Once that is up, anyone can meet the little rascal. I'll keep you aprised.

Nathan said...

Ok! Just add to your buddy list on MSN. One on one, he's a little shy, only speaking when you say "Hello" or "!talk", but if you invite him into a crowd of two or more, he really comes into his own and responds to anything containing his name. He can answer simple questions, too!

Severin said...

Wonderful! I'm adding him now.

So he responds to Hal, yes?